Pupil Leaders and British values

At Knollmead Primary School pupils have the opportunity to lead across many aspects of school life. 

School Council


Year 6 Pupil Leadership Team

Nurturing good pupil leaders is an important element of Knollmead Primary School. Year 6 students are encouraged to take greater responsibility and to contribute positively both to the school and wider community. Knollmead Primary School have a very active year 6 pupil leadership team, consisting of Head Pupils and Senior Prefects. At the end of year 5 the children, who would like to take part, write a letter of application using the job description to SLT and are formally interviewed by the Headteacher and Deputy Head.  

One of the main responsibilities of the year 6 pupil leadership team is ensuring lunchtime is enjoyable for all and everybody feels included. They support in the EYFS and KS1 puzzle club, where they play board games, build lego, do jigsaws and draw with the younger children modelling how to play with each other.  On the playground the pupil leaders organise and lead games for the younger children, modelling the important skills of following the rules of games and treating each other with respect. This year the team requested an outside speaker so they could included a dance element of creative club. This has been very popular.

There are dedicated pupil leaders for Sunshine (Specialist Resource Provision for children who are deaf). They make sure all pupils equipment is working in the assemblies and support the children to access what is being communicated.

The pupil leaders work with the Deputy Headteacher to create rotas for each club and monitor that the rota is being followed. They audit and order resources for the clubs using an allocated budget. In the weekly celebration assembly they provide valuable support to the head teacher to ensure that the many certificates and awards are given out and the correct music is play at the right time. 

The year 6 pupil leaders are a vital part of our school team, as we seek to inspire and grow our school values throughout our community.

Pupil Leadership Newsletter

British Values and Pupil Leadership at Knollmead

In accordance with The Department for Education we aim to actively promote British values in schools to ensure young people leave Knollmead Primary School  prepared for life in modern Britain. Our diverse and inclusive school ensures that our children regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance and understand that while different people may hold different views about what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, all people living in England are subject to its law.

The Key Values are:

  • democracy

  • rule of law

  • individual liberty

  • mutual respect

  • tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs 

How this is done at Knollmead Primary School:

Actively promoting British values 

Children have opportunities to learn about the current life and times of our royal family, and the history of our country. They also learn about people around them and their lifestyles, enabling empathy and understanding of our local community. Through geography, RE and wider curriculum study they also learn about the lifestyles of those further away. Our children learn that people around the world have the same fundamental values and principles that guide their life, but they may express these differently. Our school council drive British Values throughout our school.

Democracy – examples of what we have done

  • Encourage children to be part of the change through the school council which meets regularly to discuss issues raised in class council meetings. The council has its own budget and is able to genuinely effect change within the school, for example:

    • Helping decide on the company, design and materials for the replacement of the pirate ship climbing equipment on the school field.

    • Co-writing the school lunchtime charter with the lunchtime supervisors.

    • Deciding on what colour to paint the friendship bench on the playground.

    • Evaluate trial sessions from external club providers and see if they feel it is something the children would enjoy and engage in.

    • Provide feedback on the design and colour of the new school uniform.

    • Support with site walks to provide a pupil perspective on areas that could be improved.

  • The school council members for each year group are voted in by their class. 

  • Pupils have regular opportunities to feedback in which they are able to put forward their views about the school. This information is then reflected upon and changes made wherever needed. 

  • Provide pupils with a broad general knowledge of, and promote respect for, public institutions and services.

  • Teach pupils how they can influence decision-making through the democratic process including in the classroom and voting for decisions. 

  • Hold ‘mock elections’ so pupils learn how to argue and defend points of view

  • Help pupils to express their views

  • Circle Time and discussion groups

Rule of law – examples of what we have done

  • Ensure Class Rules and expectations are clear and fair 

  • Class Rules are established and made by the children alongside their teacher

  • Help pupils to distinguish right from wrong- through our PSHE and wellbeing curriculum

  • Help pupils to respect the law and the basis on which it is made

  • Year 6 visit to Magistrates Court

  • School council discussions about what is right and wrong- If someone does something bad does this make them a bad person?

  • Pupil leaders model the rules and support all children to follow the school rules

  • Learning about people who help us

  • Teach pupils aspects of both civil and criminal law

  • Oracy statements of 'do you agree?' with justification, embedded into all lessons

Individual liberty – examples of what we have done

  • Pupils are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment 

  • Pupils are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and advised how to exercise these safely, for example through our e-safety and PSHE lessons 

  • Children have choice over which clubs they attend before and after school, and what activities or games they play at break and lunchtime

  • School council have made choices over specific clubs that run after meeting with external companies e.g. computing club. 

  • Support pupils to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence

  • Anti-bullying week celebrating individuality and uniqueness

  • Encourage pupils to take responsibility for their behaviour, as well as knowing their rights

  • History lessons- children learn about the past and how individuals fought for equality and freedom

  • Challenge stereotypes and implement a strong anti-bullying culture

  • We celebrate our school and local environment and take care of it with the help of our pupil jobs such as litter picking squad, planting team and  school gardeners

Respect and Tolerance – examples of what we have done

  • Promote respect for individual differences

  • Talk partners and collaborative work to share ideas and opinions.

  • Help pupils to acquire an understanding of, and respect for, their own and other cultures and ways of life

  • Challenge prejudicial or discriminatory behaviour

  • Develop links with different faiths and other communities through RE

  • Teamwork in all areas of the curriculum- taking on roles, collaborative working, peer assessment opportunities, paired work and mixed ability groupings.

  • PE- teamwork and games. Teaching children to be good winners and good losers.

  • Assemblies- sharing new values, discussing topical issues and religions

  • Additional teaching on consent and body boundaries (e.g. using Jayneen Sanders books such as 'No means no')

  • At Knollmead we will actively challenge pupils, staff or parents expressing opinions contrary to fundamental British Values, including ‘extremist’ views

  • Mental Health Ambassadors trained and deliver presentations or assemblies each year across the school

  • Zones of Regulation embedded across the school

  • Pupils respect children from other schools, visitors, external providers and members of the public, for example on school trips, residentials, during after school clubs, in swimming lessons, and in delivery of the Christmas Community party.