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Values and Ethos

School Vision Statement

At the heart of Knollmead is the highest aspirations for all underpinned by the values of Ambition-Inclusion-Resilience. Our curricular strength is one of Cultural Capital; we believe this is the only truly inclusive way to ensure our children develop as independent individuals, prepared for meaningful and ambitious opportunities throughout their lives.

About Our School

The school site is open and pleasantly situated. It has a hard surface playground, grassed playing areas, an adventure playground and an open-air heated swimming pool which is used by all the classes in the summer term.

Knollmead has its own nursery class for 3-4 year olds, which is an integral part of the school and included in many whole school activities. The majority of the children in our nursery move into the main school.

There are 7 mixed ability classes in the main school, one for each age group from 4 – 11 years.

We have a specialist resourced provision (SRP) for children who are deaf at Knollmead (using auditory and aural methods). The children receive support from a qualified teacher of the deaf and Hearing Impairment teaching assistants during the week, and a speech and language therapist spends time each week in school. The children are integrated into the main school for most of the time.

Since September 2008 the school has hosted a resource base for children aged 4 – 11 years with social communication needs, including autism (Sapphire and Emerald). The children receive specialist help within our ASD provision and are able to integrate in the main school as appropriate. They are supported by a full-time specialist teacher, teaching assistants and receive speech and language therapy once a week. The children in these provisions are an important part of our school community. Several of our mainstream children help support the children at lunchtime and playtimes.

Please note that the referral pathway for a placement at our specialist resourced provitions is through Achieving for Children’s (AfC) Special Educational Needs Panel which manages admission in consultation with the Head Teacher, SENCo and Teacher in Charge of the SRP.

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Coombe Academy Trust is committed to ensuring outstanding leadership at all levels underpinned by the values of Collaboration - Ambition - Trust.

Bespoke professional development ensures lifelong learning for all staff in an environment where success at all levels is recognised and celebrated.

In turn this provides a high standard of inclusive education for our children and young people, one in which their lives are enriched with meaningful opportunities and achieves the best possible wellbeing and academic outcomes.

In short, this ensures children and young people leave Coombe Academy Trust well prepared for their next stage in life and education, and prepares them for a world of opportunity.