Cultural Capital Curriculum

At the heart of Knollmead is the highest aspirations for all underpinned by the values of Ambition-Inclusion-Resilience. Our curricular strength is one of Cultural Capital; we believe this is the only truly inclusive way to ensure our children develop as independent individuals, prepared for meaningful and ambitious opportunities throughout their lives.

Cultural Capital Tree which says: Ambition-Inclusion-Resilience and Aspiration for all at the bottom of the trunk then: Cultural capital in the middle of the trunk then: Life skills, Oracy and Reading for the roots of the branches

What are the values you will see as the lived experience throughout the Knollmead curriculum?

Ambition means striving for academic and social excellence throughout the curriculum and in our behaviour for learning. Our curriculum develops children who are confident and have the desire and determination to achieve success. Achieving success means we strive to be authentic, be the best version of ourselves, to be enthusiastic, kind and reflective individuals who make a valuable contribution to society.

Inclusion means our children have access to equal opportunities within education and learning. We ensure diversity, equity and inclusivity within the curriculum fosters a sense of belonging within the school, the community and the wider world.

Every child at Knollmead has a voice to be valued and heard. 

Our curriculum develops strong communicators and independence from the earliest stage. As a truly inclusive curriculum, it allows our children, regardless of their background, to learn and flourish side by side.

Resilience means our children develop the capacity to withstand or recover quickly from difficulties and when overcoming adversity. Creating resilience is celebrating children's progress and successes, encouraging our children to set ambitious goals, be reflective and self regulated during difficult situations. 
By creating safe and supportive learning environments and a sense of belonging to the Knollmead community, we prepare our pupils for life as well as being well-rounded individuals in an ever changing world.


Self Regulation and Metacognition

Life Skills Sutton Trust


Why is cultural capital a core foundation of the ‘Knollmead way’?

At Knollmead we aspire for our children to succeed academically and socially in order to be their authentic selves and engage in wider society. At Knollmead we recognise the important elements of:


  • Cultural appreciation through the world of art, books, artefacts and musical culture 
  • Oracy as a vehicle to understanding communication and being effective communicators 
  • Life skills and qualifications which prepare our children for life outside of Knollmead

Without these important elements within our curriculum, we limit or cap our children’s potential. A child who has enriched experiences and strong foundations is one who is knowledgeable about a wide range of cultures, is at ease when discussing its importance and its worth and has been afforded the experiences within which these knowledge and skills can be nurtured.  

In order to achieve this at Knollmead, Cultural Capital strengthens character through our relentless focus on:


By the time we leave Knollmead we will be able to:

  • Communicate with confidence. 
  • Use their valued voice to express their feelings and give opinions 
  • Use our presentational skills to present to a audience 
  • Understand and use ambitious vocabulary 


By the time we leave Knollmead we will:

  • Appreciate and enjoy the world of books - reading for pleasure will empower our children to succeed academically and socially
  • Have mastered the phonics code so they can read with fluency and accuracy *
  • To be able to gain knowledge for themselves 

*In one provision, communication for some children is our curriculum priority 

Life Skills 

By the time we leave Knollmead we will:

  • Be confident in the water and the significant majority of us will be able to swim
  • Have self-confidence, self-worth and self-awareness developed as outcomes from our Knollmead curriculum 
  • Be motivated and well prepared for the next stage of our education
  • We will have allyship through kindness and social skills
  • Have knowledge of how to keep healthy both physically and emotionally
  • Have career and life aspirations
  • Have the finance and enterprise skills to succeed beyond Knollmead
  • Be safety and danger aware - knowing how to keep ourselves safe