We have two SRPs at Knollmead, please click on the buttons below to find the details of our excellent specialist provision.
We are very proud that during the Local Authority's external review of Sunshine, our Specialist Resourced Provision for pupils who are deaf, in February 2019, they recognised that our work in partnership with parents, carers and pupils; the quality of teaching, learning and assessment; personal development, behaviour and welfare; outcomes for pupils; the effectiveness of leadership and management and overall effectiveness, is outstanding.
At Knollmead Primary School, we are proud to have Sunshine, a Specialist Resourced Provision for children who are deaf. We have capacity for 12 children from Nursery to Year 6. The criteria for admission to the SRP is as follows:
First priority will be given to pupils with severe to profound bilateral hearing loss (71dB or more)
Second priority will be given to pupils with moderate bilateral hearing loss (41dB or more) with significant (2 years or more) language delay/disorder.
Pupils will have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) or, rarely, will be undergoing statutory assessment for an EHCP.
Children are part of the mainstream school and attend mainstream classes. They are withdrawn for specialist teaching according to their needs.
We adopt an oral/aural approach although if the needs of the child require an alternative approach, such as a Total Communication approach, this will also be provided. Teachers of the Deaf and the majority of Teaching Assistants are qualified up to at least Level 1 BSL. Some staff are fluent in BSL.
We have a team of specialist staff at Knollmead Primary School including a Teacher of the Deaf and Teaching Assistants who are specialists in supporting children who are deaf.
The school has 2 specialist Speech and Language Therapists who work in Sunshine on a weekly basis and a Speech and Language Therapy Assistant. Sunshine provision also has an ELSA who works with identified children.
Provision is in accordance with a child’s EHCP, if they have one and is carefully planned to meet the identified needs of each child.
Teachers of the Deaf and/or the Speech and Language Therapist also carry out assessments with children to ensure that the specific needs of each child are identified and that the provision is appropriate. Provision of the children is monitored regularly to ensure that it is impactful.
Teachers of the Deaf and TAs carry out a number of interventions, which may include the following but are adapted according to each child:
pre-and post-teaching to ensure inclusion within mainstream lessons,
numeracy interventions
comprehension groups
Deaf awareness sessions
Social, emotional skills groups
Precision Teaching
Teaching Assistants may support children in the classroom
All sessions are either on a one-to-one basis or in small groups.
We have 2 acoustically treated rooms in the school and the majority of classrooms have a soundfield system. Children use an Assisted Listening Device, such as a radio aid.
All staff receive Deaf Awareness training when they begin working at Knollmead Primary School. They also receive ongoing advice and guidance according to the specific needs of the children in their class. Knollmead is part of the Coombe Academy Trust and Deaf Awareness training takes place for staff regularly at the Coombe Secondary Schools. More personalised training takes place with teachers of children who transition to the Coombe Secondary Schools from Knollmead Primary School.
Each morning, the children’s equipment is checked and listening checks take place. Children are encouraged to develop knowledge and independence in connecting receivers, picking up and returning radio aids and taking care of their equipment. If there are any concerns regarding children’s equipment, staff will inform parents and contact the relevant hospital if appropriate.
Many of our children receive transport to school and we know that parents and carers want to be kept up to date about their child’s day. We therefore have a Sunshine communication diary that is completed each day by either the Teacher of the Deaf or the Teaching Assistants. The SRP Lead also keeps in regular contact with parents through phone calls, email or in person.
We believe that trips and extra-curricular activities are extremely important in developing the children’s social, emotional well-being and awareness of the environment. We have a number of activities which take place in school, such as Deaf Cricket and Football, visits from the Listening Bus, as well as excursions to a number of places either in the local area or further afield. Sunshine Specialist Resource Provision also hosts Christmas and Summer parties for all children who are deaf in the borough and their parents and carers.
We have strong links with the Educational Service for Sensory Impairment and training takes place on a half-termly basis for mainstream staff and parents from the borough at Knollmead Primary School.
If you have any questions, please contact Ms Sam Salih, Teacher of the Deaf, SRP Lead and SENCo.
At Knollmead Primary school we have a Specialised Resource Provision for pupils with social communication needs, including autism and severe learning difficulties.
The Diamond assessment resource is linked with the mainstream nursery classroom and provides pupils access to specialist speech and language support. All children in Nursery follow the Early Years Foundation Stage ‘Developmental Matters’ Curriculum (EYFS) as well as personalised learning plans based upon the individuals identified strengths and needs.
Sapphire class (Early years and Key stage 1) and Emerald class (Key Stage 2) each have a specialist teacher, a Higher Level Teaching Assistant (HLTA) and additional teaching assistants. The children follow a bespoke curriculum based upon the 4 areas of need (cognition and learning, communication and interaction, sensory and physical and social emotional mental health).
Children who attend the nursery and Key Stage 1 resources may not yet have a diagnosis of Autism but the impact of their learning needs may lead to a recommendation of educational approaches suitable for children with Social Communication needs including Autism. Additionally, children may have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and/or additional learning needs.
Places are allocated by the Local Authority Statutory Assessment Advisory Group or the Social Communication Education Placement. Referrals are made by Educational Psychologists or Speech and Language therapists. Please note, there is no priority given to pupils already on roll in the mainstream part of the school.
The SRP aims to provide a curriculum that is flexible, purposeful and personalised for each of our pupils. Following baseline assessments a Specialist teacher creates an individual personalised curriculum plan for each pupil. This encompasses assessment outcomes from a multidisciplinary team of specialist teaching staff, a Speech and Language therapist, an Occupational therapist and other relevant professionals. This is a working document that continually reviews all 4 areas of need including the pupil’s EHCP outcomes.
Sapphire class (EY and KS1) promotes a play based approach to learning, alongside thematic based learning opportunities, evolving alongside each child's interests (linked to the SCERTS framework and objectives).
Emerald class’s (KS2) Learning develops on the knowledge and skills acquired within Sapphire class. Pupils are supported to develop their prior learning by generalising their knowledge and skill set further and to the wider school community, in preparation for their Secondary transition and steps to adulthood.
For further details on the curriculum pathways delivered within each phase, please click on the link below:
Knollmead Curriculum Pathways SRP.pdf
Pupils are taught through structured and informal play-based activities within the seven areas of learning, which are: Personal Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development, Communication and Language, Literacy, Maths, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design. They will also have access to specific therapies, which will support their sensory processing, aid their communication and support their overall independence. Knollmead staff are committed to ensuring that all students achieve their maximum potential and lead fulfilled, happy lives.
The provisions classrooms are created using a Structured, Positive, Low arousal environment that supports learning and communication skills, and follows the principles of TEACCH.
For further details on the provision offered within the SRP, please clink on the link below:
Please contact Mrs Sam Beaumont, SRP Lead via our contact us page.